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Horses for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

Texas Bullion Exchange

Trailers for Sale: McQuerry Two Horse Inline Trailer SOLD #119690
Posted by: Silver & Saddles [see other ads by this poster]
Price: $3,000.00
City: Santa Fe [see other ads in this city]
State: New Mexico [see other ads in this state]
Make: McQuerry
Model: Inline
Year: n/a
Length: n/a
Phone #: 505-690-3118

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This is an excellent trailer and a rare find in this condition. This is an original McQuerry inline trailer, thats right a 2 horse inline. This trailer is in excellent condition with solid sturdy floors, interior lights, center gate with a hay manger in the front stall. This is a really convenient trailer with a small tack room and feed/storage boxes on each side. This trailer is ready to go, sells without a title and that is reflected in the price. Asking $3,000 please call or text with any questions 505-690-3118. Located at 96 Bonanza Creek Rd in Santa Fe NM.

Posted 04-08-20
10317 visitors have viewed this ad

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