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Horses for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

Niobrara Red Angus Annual Bull Sale

For Sale: Hand Made Belts by Susan Singer SOLD #118175
Posted by: Gary Singer [see other ads by this poster]
Price: $80.00
City: Port Orange [see other ads in this city]
State: Florida [see other ads in this state]
Phone #: 386-341-0149

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Beautiful handmade 1 1/2" belts of Hermann Oak 10 to 11 oz. leather.Basic belt is shown with the small and larger basket weave with a chain design the full length of the belt for $80. frt. incl.for size 40 and below,Size 42 and above $90.For Sheridan Floral Carved up to size 40- $120. and above size 40, $130. all with freight incl.Colors available:Lt. Brown;saddle tan;chocolate;Dr.Brown;Walnut;Mahogany;Black.For Black Cherry add $5.00. For buckle A add $22.;B-$15.;C $18.;D-$22 and E $15. Susan is a college student an appreciates your business.I accept Pay-Pal, money order and cash. Gary Singer; 386-341-0149
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