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Horses for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

Colorado State University 48th Annual Bull and Female Sale

Seeking Ranch Job: Seeking Ranch Job SOLD #113692
Posted by: datcoldman [see other ads by this poster]
State: Texas [see other ads in this state]
Exp. Cow Calf: 13
Exp. Yearlings: 13
Exp. FeedLot: 6
Exp. Horse: 13
Exp. Roping: 13
Exp. Doctoring: 13
Exp. Calving: 13
Exp. Haying: 4
Room And Board: Yes please
Phone#: 5803701598

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I am a 27 year old hardworking, dedicated young man. I have a daughter that lives with me full time

I am currently employed and have been at the same operation for a considerable amount of time just looking for the best place for my family

I have very good horses, know cattle well, and am rounded any any situation I am thrown into.

I would ultimately like to work on a big outfit with a cow calf or yearlin operation where I can use my horses and grow my family around ranch life even more.

I’ve been ranchin since I was very young and I understand the hard work that goes into it. Drug calves, can pasture rope, anything you ask I will do to the best of my abilities

I have rodeod my whole life as well and still do as a pickup man for several contractors.

I have a lot of references, a very solid work ethic, and a good reputation for myself and I will gladly earn my way and work hard for whoever gives me and my family the opportunity

Grew up in Oklahoma my whole life but will gladly relocate for a good ranch anywhere in the nation
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Colorado State University 48th Annual Bull and Female Sale

We at are working every day to be your Ranch Classifieds, and the very best place for you to buy or sell Quarter Horses, Paint Horses, Ranch Horses, Rope Horses, Rodeo Horses, Barrel Horses, Cutting Horses, Reining Horses, Cow Horses, not to mention Alfalfa Hay, Timothy Hay, Bermuda Hay, Cattle, Cattle Ranches, Horse Ranches, or Sell a livestock Brand, or just find a Ranch Job.