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Horses for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

Texas Bullion Exchange

Seeking Ranch Job: Seeking a great position working for great people SOLD #113412
Posted by: woodsman [see other ads by this poster]
City: Great City [see other ads in this city]
State: Wyoming [see other ads in this state]
Exp. Cow Calf: 15
Exp. Yearlings: 15
Exp. FeedLot: 0
Exp. Horse: 5
Exp. Roping: 1
Exp. Doctoring: 20
Exp. Calving: 40
Exp. Haying: 20
Room And Board: yes
Single 48 year old looking for a great place to land an invest myself for the long term. Born and raised on a dairy farm, trained in the building trades, worked on ranches and at high-end fishing lodges in Alaska. For the most part though I’ve been self employed as a contractor for the last 14 years. Every fall I hit the mountains and plains as a hunting guide as well.

I’m hoping to find a postion as a ranch caretaker, or ranch manager for an operation that may also include hospitality and/or a hunting or fishing aspect. Holistic/organic/grass based is a real plus.

I’m a healthy fit Christian guy. I don’t have any holes or marks on my body that the Good Lord didn’t put there. Very self-driven hard worker. Loyal to my core. Really hoping to find a great place where I can connect with great people and make your world and mine a little better. Open to ideas, just hoping for a new direction in my life. Available after the middle of April. Email me:

Posted 11-11-19
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