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Horses for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

Texas Bullion Exchange

Handmade Bits & Spurs for Sale: Tom Balding Spurs c/w SilverBuckleSet&CarvedStrap SOLD #110610
Posted by: Gary Singer [see other ads by this poster]
Condition: Good
Price: $410.00 OBO frt. included
City: Port Orange [see other ads in this city]
State: Florida [see other ads in this state]
Maker: Tom Balding
Phone #: 1-386-341-0149
Type: Spurs

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Nice tight Tom Balding spurs with silver and craved spur straps with silver buckle set. 1 1/4" bands; 2 1/8" shanks;1 3/8"-12pt. rowel and 3 3/8" heel opening, but they can be taken in or spread out.This is a very good set of using spurs and are very good looking.Tom Balding spurs are used by such trainers as Andrea Fappani; Phil Rapp;Shawn Flarida;Tom Bergen;Bob Avila;Clay Obrien Cooper;Larry Mahan;Don Dodge;Bob Loomis and many many more. I accept pay-pal;personal check; money order,cashier check.Price REDUCED to $410. 9/19/19 Gary Singer Please NO SCAMMERS !!!!

Posted 09-06-19
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