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Horses for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

Niobrara Red Angus Annual Bull Sale

Ranch Jobs: Wanted - All Around Ranch Hand - Oregon SOLD #106534
Posted by: sabreridge [see other ads by this poster]
City: Central [see other ads in this city]
State: Oregon [see other ads in this state]
Job Title: Ranch hand
Employer: Yes
Salary: DOE
Room & Board: Yes
Phone #: 541-477-3185

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Do it all ranch hand needed.

From irrigating - pivots, wheel lines, flood,

to all cattle work done a horseback,

Help haying to weaning and shipping.

Yard maintenance to servicing equipment and operating.

Build and repair fences and other general ranch maintenance.

Competitive salary, house, beef, 401k retirement, medical and dental insurance, beautiful country.

Experience preferred.

Resume and 3 past employment/supervisor references required. Random drug testing and criminal background check required as well.

Posted 06-03-19
3253 visitors have viewed this ad

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