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Horses for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

Heritage Livestock - Winter Select Sale

Ranch Jobs: Wanted - Cowboy for Remote Ranch - NW Nevada SOLD #106468
Posted by: NVdesertranch1 [see other ads by this poster]
City: Gerlach [see other ads in this city]
State: Nevada [see other ads in this state]
Job Title: Cowboy
Salary: DOE
Room & Board: Provided
Phone #: (775) 557-5108

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A single cowboy who is willing to work alone, and with a small crew (branding/weaning), sleep on the ground at primitive cow camps away from cell phone service in remote northwestern NV. Must have at least 4 of your own horses (can bring up to 8). Ok with a couple good working dogs that have manners. Expect fairly long hours in the saddle and all kinds of weather, expect to fix some fence and water developments as needed. Should have a good saddle, a warm bedroll, tipi or wall tent, shoeing tools (and experience using them), and a positive attitude. Housing is provided but is best suited to a single person, the ranch is remote and about 2 hours from small towns and 3-4 hours from big town (Walmart). Position entails staying up on the mountain with the cows in the summer/early fall and back at the ranch during the winter. Wages DOE plus some beef provided. Serious Inquiries only. If you have a resume, you can email it and if you don’t please call. This is a drug-free outfit. Please provide at least 2 references. Man needed by the end of June. Please call Before 7:00 am or after 6:00 pm.

Posted 06-02-19
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