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Horses for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

Colorado State University 48th Annual Bull and Female Sale

Seeking Ranch Job: 25 Year Old Combat Vet Seeking Ranch Job SOLD #105898
Posted by: BAKERROUSH01 [see other ads by this poster]
City: Johnson CIty [see other ads in this city]
State: Texas [see other ads in this state]
Exp. Cow Calf: 4
Exp. Yearlings: 1
Exp. FeedLot: n/a
Exp. Horse: 3
Exp. Roping: 3
Exp. Doctoring: 4
Exp. Calving: 4
Exp. Haying: 2
Room And Board: yes
Phone#: 210-394-7196

My name is Baker Roush and im looking for a long term ranch job immediately! I have confidence and experience in the following:

-Calving out heifers

-doctoring cattle

-buying and selling cattle at auction barns

-feeding out calves

-riding horses


-driving and operating any type of equipment

-shoeing horses



I have experience in the following:

-hay field management

-total ranch management


-cutting horses

Currently i am managing a small outfit in central Texas. On the ranch i take care of all of the hay operations, including fertilizing, cutting, baling, selling and finally feeding of the hay. I also manage all aspects pertaining to the cows which include but are not limited to, feeding, calving, branding, doctoring, marketing the calves, and shipping the cattle. I would love to work with others on a large outfit but a feedlot will work also. Love being horseback and working cows!

I Graduated from The Oklahoma Horseshoeing School in March of 2017 and have shod horse for clients and for myself. I have been welding since i was 16. I have spent a full summer building fence for a fencing company.

I was in the army and served as a combat engineer. While stationed at Ft hood i served one Combat tour overseas. In the middle part of 2016 i separated from the military with an honorable discharge.

I truly have a love for the animals and my job.

Every job i have ever had i have served with respect, courage, self-discipline, and honesty.

These are thing i pride my self on.

Job location doesn’t matter though i would love to move up north and get out of Texas for a while. I have no problems with cold or hot weather. I will have one horse and one Labrador that is fixed and both animals are well behaved. I am a very neat and tidy person.

If the short story i have shared with you is sound appealing please feel free to Call or Email me and i can share more information.

I have great references that i will be more that happy to share with you if need be!

Posted 05-17-19
3307 visitors have viewed this ad

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