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Horses for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

Colorado State University 48th Annual Bull and Female Sale

Seeking Ranch Job: Couple with Integrity and Work Ethics looking for long term position Filled SOLD #105880
Posted by: 2jukersforu [see other ads by this poster]
City: Twin Falls [see other ads in this city]
State: Idaho [see other ads in this state]
Phone#: 701-580-5291

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We both where raised around animals.Joel with Cattle Brenda with Horses. Joel was born into farming and had done so as an adult from Sugar Beats, Grains and Beans in Southern Idaho. Brenda was born into Hay in South Eastern Texas. We both have a passion to get back to our roots. We both are mechanics in a diesel shop right now. There has not been nothing we can not accomplish working together because if one does not know the other most likely does. if not we are not afraid to ask and learn. Brenda has a Bachelors degree in business and a minor administration management and has ran a few business in ND and Texas. Joel has custom applicator for Pinnacle Ag with Brenda assistance many of time when there 48 hour day. We both can run multiple equipment with the knowledge to fix it and treat it as if it was our own. We are honest hard working people with integrity and value.Email at or call Brenda @701/580-5291 or Joel 701/334-0357

Posted 05-17-19
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