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Horses for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

Texas Bullion Exchange

Handmade Bits & Spurs for Sale: Single Mounted Spurs SOLD #102861
Posted by: WESTEX1 [see other ads by this poster]
Condition: Good
Price: $180.00
City: Lubbock [see other ads in this city]
State: Texas [see other ads in this state]
Maker: P T
Phone #: 806-470-7507
Type: Spurs

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Single mounted, blued spurs. These appear to be handmade with PT marked on the outside of the inside bands. They have three pieces of engraved silver on each spur. They appear to be new. One inch bands, two inch shanks, 1 1/4” 6 point rowels. Good set of using spurs.

Posted 03-05-19
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