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Horses for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

Colorado State University 48th Annual Bull and Female Sale

Pasture For Lease: Operator looking for Cattle On Shares SOLD
"Beginning Rancher" looking to increase stocking rate on 110 year old operation. Moving to an intensive...
Pasture For Lease: Pasture For Lease SOLD
12,000 acre cross fenced ranch in SE Wyoming. 300 pair or 900 yearlings. Good fences, water, full care. Serious...
Pasture For Lease: 100 to 400 Cows - Pasture & Care in TX Panhandle SOLD
Pasture and care available for 100-400 cows, year round. Available February, 2015. Posted 01-06-16...
Pasture For Lease: Pasture and Care for up to 500 Cows and or Pairs SOLD
I have room for up to 500 cows / pairs in central mo hay and fertilized pastures provided year round...
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Pasture For Lease: 200 Cow Grass Lease Available SOLD
7,000 acres available for grass lease. Good grass, ample water, available now. We are wanting to lease...
$30/head/month with care
Pasture For Lease: Pature Available for 250 cows year round SOLD
Pasture available for 250 cows year round with full care. Insurance provided and references available...
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Pasture For Lease: Package Deal SOLD
100-300 bred heifers calve March 1st to March 30th. We will winter and calve them with delivery May 1st,...
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Pasture For Lease: grass and cattle together SOLD
We have 300 first calf heifers we will sell as a pair and then run them and more if you would like we...
Pasture For Lease: CUSTOM WHEAT PASTURE GRAZING for 600 head in South Central Kansas SOLD
Custom wheat pasture grazing for 600 head of healthy 500lb calves. Rancher has been in business for...
$1.50 per head per day
Pasture For Lease: Pasture for Lease for 150 Cows - Between El Paso Las Cruces SOLD
Lots of feed, good water, on large desert Ranch. Room for 150 mama cows, and will be charged for 150...
$16.50 per head per month
Pasture For Lease: Cattle Grazing for Lease. Blanco County, TX. 4123 acres, SOLD
150 mother cows, 2 ranches, starting Sept 1, Bids welcome. Call 512-461-0717 or Email
Bids Taken til Jul 31, 2015
Pasture For Lease: Grazing & Recreation Lease - Southeastern Colorado SOLD
Grazing & Recreation Lease Opportunity in Las Animas County, CO - The Colorado State Land Board released...
For Bid
Pasture For Lease: Pasture for Lease in Northern Nevada/California SOLD
Prime pasture land for lease in Northern Nevada. Cattle summer pasture. Rains have been good and it is...
Pasture For Lease: Winter Grazing/Pasture Lease (Prescott area) SOLD
Winter grazing/pasture for up to 150 additional cattle beginning October 1st, 2015 thru March 31, 2016...
Pasture For Lease: Summer Pasture Available - Northern California/Nevada Area SOLD
Summer pasture available for cows or yearlings. Northern California/Nevada area. Contact us at
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Pasture For Lease: GRAZING/PASTURE LEASE (Phoenix metro area) SOLD
Year-round high desert grazing. Good cow/calf area, 500 AUM capacity, average 2 lb per day gain and full...
Pasture For Lease: Pasture Available w/ Full Care for Pairs SOLD
We have pasture available ASAP for 30 pairs through the summer. Beginning in fall, we will have pasture...
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Pasture For Lease: Pasture Avalible for 120 pairs - New Mexico SOLD
Looking for a 120 pairs to run near raton nm. Good water and pens provide full care. Also will have hay...
$40 per head per month
Pasture For Lease: Irrigated Pasture in Wyoming SOLD
Irrigated grass pasture for up to 1000 yrlings for 6 months. We’ll bring cattle in and run them for...
Call or text for details.
Pasture For Lease: Grazing and Care for 500 to 600 Cows/Pairs - Northeast Texas SOLD
Pasture and care for 500 - 650 cows / pairs. Long term Northeast Texas Prices negotiable Posted...
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Pasture For Lease: Full Care for 475 Pairs or 700 Yearlings - Wyoming SOLD
We can take 475 pairs for summer or longer, or great grass and care for yearlings can take around 70...
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Pasture For Lease: Central Wyoming Pasture for Lease up to 1,000 Head SOLD
Grass available up to 1000 head. May 15 through December 1st. Located in Central Wyoming. For more information...
Pasture For Lease: Pasture and care for 70 to 80 cows or pairs - Texas SOLD
Have room for 70 to 80 head with care Posted 03-15-15
Pasture For Lease: Pasture For Lease South Eastern Wyoming SOLD
Pasture for lease for 100 pairs thru Oct 1. With Care, good water, and lots of left over feed. 2/3 of...
Pasture For Lease: 90 day Custom Grazing Available - Kansas SOLD
Have acres available for June 1 - Sept 1. South Central Kansas Looking for 120-130 5-600 lb stockers...
$40 /cwt gain
Pasture For Lease: Custom Grazing - Colorado SOLD
We are a young couple working to start a custom grazing operation in Colorado. Property is 2,075 acres...
Pasture For Lease: Summer Grazing Eastern New Mexico SOLD
Pasture available with care for 100 yearlings during the growing season. Good stout grass, good fences,...
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Pasture For Lease: Cattle Pasture for Lease near Casper, WY SOLD
7,500 acre grazing lease available for Summer Season 2015. (This particular grazing lease has been...
$125/ AUM for 5 months
Pasture For Lease: Pasture with care for 2,000 head yearlings- North Central Montana SOLD
Pasture with care 2,000 head yearlings Located in North Central Montana Starting April 10th $25 AUM 406-671-5340 Posted...
$25 AUM
Pasture For Lease: Ranch Cook Wanted - Nevada SOLD
Cook for working ranch wanted. Room and board provided. Salary: DOE. Location: Near Gerlach, NV. Email...
Pasture For Lease: Pasture for Lease - Oklahoma SOLD
1300 acres available. Pasture and care for lease Posted 02-10-14
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Pasture For Lease: Pasture for Lease for Corriente Cattle - Wyoming SOLD
Available April 1st - Year around grass pasture for lease for corriente cattle in Natrona County Wyoming....
Pasture For Lease: Pasture for Steers/ Heifers - Arizona SOLD
Good arizona desert pasture. The desert is green! Can take in 2,500 steers/ heifers for the winter...
Pasture For Lease: Summer Pasture for 500 Pairs - Wyoming SOLD
Summer pasture for 500 pair in Pinedale Wy area. Call for details 1-307-367-6318. Posted 01-20-15...
$25.00 per pair per month
Pasture For Lease: Pasture for Lease - Oklahoma SOLD
We are offering pasture and care for replacement heifers. We can handle approximately 150 head for $1.00...
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