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Cattle for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

Colorado State University 48th Annual Bull and Female Sale

Cows for Sale: 44 - Angus Bred Cows - Nebraska SOLD
36 Red Angus 8 Black Angus 3 and 4-year-old ​Fall Calving Cows Start August 1st 60 days Posted...
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Cows for Sale: 76 - Pairs and Females - Nebraska SOLD
​Mostly home raised Load lots available, 36-38 pairs calves born 2/24-4/4 All cows AI sired...
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Cows for Sale: 200 - Black/Black White Face 3rd Period Bred Cows - Missouri SOLD
200 Top Quality, Deep Ribbed set of 6-8 month bred cows. These cows will be 3-6 years old. Calving...
Cows for Sale: 260 - Early Fall Calving Cows - Missouri SOLD
260 Black and Black White Face 3-6 Year Olds. These cows are nice as they come and will last a long...
Cows for Sale: 40 - Red Angus and Angus Cross Cows - Missouri SOLD
40 head of red angus and char x cows 2nd and 3rd periods 3 to 7 years old 1250 to 1300 lbs dewormed...
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Cows for Sale: 440 - Bred Cows - Nebraska SOLD
Young bred cows available right now, take a load of 40 head or keep going on up to ~440 head! Heavy...
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Cows for Sale: 37 - Three and Four Year Old Bred Cows - Nebraska SOLD
35 Three years old 2 Four years old Given Vision 7 with Somnus and Vira Shield in November Were poured...
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Cows for Sale: 450 - Black, Black White Face and Red with a few Red White Face Bred Cows - Nebraska SOLD
Mostly three through five years old A couple loads that are turning six and seven that will be sold...
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Cows for Sale: 40 - 3rd Period Big Fancy Black/Black White Face 3-6 yr olds SOLD
40 head of 3-6 year old, 3rd periods calving now and for the next 60 days! Bred to Black bulls calves...
$1,750.00   Video
Cows for Sale: 80 - 3-6 Year Old Angus x Charolais Cows - Oregon SOLD
Angus x Charolais Bred Cattle 80+ Head They run in steep country. They will start calving First of...
Cows for Sale: 18 - Blk/Bwf Angus Cross Bred Cows - Colorado SOLD
Nice set of 18 black/black white face cows bred to Angus and Hereford calving ease bulls (EPD’s available...
Cows for Sale: 160 - Big 3-6 yr olds 2nd-3rd Period - Missouri SOLD
160 Classy 2nd-3rd period, home front, deep bodied set of females here! Super gentle follow you anywhere...
$1,550   Video
Cows for Sale: 80 - Red Angus and Red White Face Bred Cows - Missouri SOLD
Really fancy set of 3-7 year olds, 2nd-3rd period $1675/Head or..... 40 head of 3-5 year olds 2nd-3rd...
$1,675.00   Video
Cows for Sale: 240 - Black / Black White Face Running Age Cows SOLD
6 loads of Black/ Black White Faced moderate/large framed, deep bodied, northern type cows. 2nd-3rd period...
Cows for Sale: 72 - Bred Cattle - Red Devon and Murrey Grey - Oregon SOLD
We have a small herd of Red Devon and Murrey Grey cows with a blend of Black Angus and Hereford. We...
Cows for Sale: 120 - Black BWF and Red Cows - Missouri SOLD
120 head Mostly black few reds mixed in group 1250 lb cows Dewormed vaccinated and preg checked P2...
Cows for Sale: 13 - Confirmed Bred angus cross Cows - Oklahoma SOLD
14 confirmed bred crossbred cows to Simmental bull. All 14 are 60 days bred. Mostly 3-5 year old cows,...
Cows for Sale: Reduced! Corriente Longhorn Cross Cows - Oklahoma SOLD
Nice set of Corriente/Longhorn cross cows. These cattle range in age from first calf heifers to a few...
Cows for Sale: 36 - Corriente Cows Bred to Debruycker Charolais Bulls - Utah SOLD
36 solid mouthed corriente cows for sale. There’s a few angus F1’s in the bunch as well. All are confirmed...
Cows for Sale: 38 - F1 BWF Cows - Oklahoma SOLD
F1 BWF 3 year old fall calving cows. Bred to Heritage and Hudgins Brahman Bulls. First calf already...
Cows for Sale: 50 - Good Young Cows Calving Now - Oklahoma SOLD
Will sell your choice of 50 cows out of 87 head. 80% black hided, 3-6 years old. They were exposed...
Cows for Sale: 50 - Longhorn X Cows - Oklahoma SOLD
Longhorn X Cows with calves being born every day. Two year old heifers all the way to aged cows. Selling...
Cows for Sale: 47 - Quality Bred Cows - Wyoming SOLD
This is a good set of cows that have produced well for us. They aren’t bad bags or culls. Our cattle...
Cows for Sale: 66 - Bred 3yr old Angus Cross Cows - Oregon - SOLD
Nice set of Home Raised bred coming 3 year old (Second calving) cows. Calving date is April 1, 2020;...
Cows for Sale: 80 - 2nd and 3rd Period Cows - Missouri SOLD
80 mostly all black cows few reds 1250 to 1300 lb cows 3 to 7 year olds dewormed and vaccinted...
Cows for Sale: 30 - Black Cows - Missouri SOLD
30 black spring calvers 3 to 7 year olds all black with a few black wf cows good gentle cows trucking...
Cows for Sale: 20 - Red Cows Few with Calves at Side - Missouri SOLD
20 red cows few with calves at side 1250 to 1300 lb cows 3 to 7 year olds good dispositions they...
Cows for Sale: 33 - High Altitude Crossbred Angus - Montana SOLD
High country Crossbred Angus cattle for sale. Ages ranging from 4 - 7 years old and weighing anywhere...
$1,050.00   Video
Cows for Sale: 90 - F1 Baldy Cows (3 year olds) - North Dakota SOLD
These cows are coming 3yrs old. They are F1 Hereford x Angus cross. They are preg checked. They are bred...
$1,950.00 obo
Cows for Sale: High altitude bred cows SOLD
25 sim/angus bred cows. 6-12 years old. Ran at 9,000 ft all summer. Bred to angus & sim/angus bulls....
Cows for Sale: 25 - Bred Cows - Arizona SOLD
Angus cross, horned cows, good mothers, wormed, easy and gentle cows to gather and work, bred to black...
Cows for Sale: 25 +/- True High Altitude Bred Cows & Heifers - Colorado SOLD
25 +/- true high altitude cows. All black, few brockles and a few baldys. Entire herd raised year-round...
$1,550.00   Video
Cows for Sale: 248 - One-iron Good Young cows (3-7 years old) - Wyoming SOLD
Opportunity to get into ranching or expand your herd. Good young cows, calves, and bulls all available....
Cows for Sale: 70 - Fall Calving Cows - New Mexico SOLD
70 older fall calving cows Calve September-November Bred to Maine angus bulls Cows are in very good...
Cows for Sale: 7- Bucking Stock Herd Dispersal Dam of HOUDINI SOLD
Once in a lifetime opprotunity! 21 head total including 7 clones of CP6, the matriarch and dam to arguably...

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Heritage Livestock - Winter Select Sale

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