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Cattle for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

Colorado State University 48th Annual Bull and Female Sale

Cows for Sale: 160 - Young Fall Bred Cows - Nebraska SOLD
Available in gate cut load lots of ~40 head. Calving Sept 25 for 50 days. Bred to Black Angus bulls. Cattle...
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Cows for Sale: 18 - Bred Corriente and Longhorn Cows - Oklahoma SOLD
We have 18 corriente and longhorn cows available. They are all verified bred in the 2nd stage. In good...
Cows for Sale: 42 - Brangus and Angus Plus Bred Cows - Texas SOLD
42 Vet confirmed bred Angus Plus and Brangus Cows. Nice set of 3-5 year old cows that the vet has confirmed...
Cows for Sale: 560 2-7 Year Old Black/Black White Faced Bred Cows - Missouri SOLD
560 Prime Aged Late Summer early Fall Calving 2-7 yr old 2nd Period Bred Black/Black White Faced Replacements Plenty...
Cows for Sale: Corriente cows/heifers SOLD
We have young Corrientes cross cattle for sale. All should be bred back and a couple have calves by...
$800 per head, 1000 per pair
Cows for Sale: 950 - 2-5 yr old Fall Breds - Missouri SOLD
Excellent opportunity for putting some youthfulness into your program. 1050 Black/Black White Faced...
Cows for Sale: 1 - Red Brindle Highland Cow - Texas SOLD
Olga 36 inch coming 3 yr old red (with brindle face) highland cow. She has been with a highland bull...
Cows for Sale: 120+ Head - 3-5 Year Old Bred Cows - Oregon SOLD
The cattle ran in steep rough country, they would make a good living about anywhere. 120+ 3-5 yr...
Cows for Sale: 21 - Mostly Solid Black Bred Cows - Oregon SOLD
21 good moderate framed cows. 12 3yo, 7 4-7yo, 2 older cows. Nothing wrong with them, just going to calve...
$1,400.00 if you take all
Cows for Sale: 200 - Black/Black White Faced Young Bred Cows - Missouri SOLD
200 Black/Black White Faced 2-7 Year old (Avg Age 3.5 years old) 2nd Period Breds This is a nice young...
Cows for Sale: 750 - Black/Black White Faced Open Cows - Missouri SOLD
700 Head of Black and Black White Faced Open Cows Ages are 2-7 years old with the majority being 2-4,...
Cows for Sale: 80 - Heavy Bred Black/Black White Faced Replacements - Missouri SOLD
80 Heavy Bred 3-7 Yr Old All Black/Black White Faced Replacements available A really nice two loads...
Cows for Sale: 17 - Bred Cows - Colorado SOLD
We are selling 17 Commercial Bred Cows to make room for more Registered Red Angus replacement heifers...
Cows for Sale: 134 - Coming 3 Year Olds Spring Bred Cows - Missouri SOLD
134 Black and Black White Faced 2nd calf Angus Bred cows! Real nice set of really uniform moderate to...
Cows for Sale: 30 - Exposed Cows - Wyoming SOLD
30 Crossbred Cows for sale. All home raised, never had any calving issues. Exposed to Black Angus...
$1,000.00 ea. OBO
Cows for Sale: 20 - Bred Angus Cross Cows - Wyoming SOLD
20 Head Bred Red and Black Angus Cross Cows for sale; 2-8 years of age. Full vaccination program in...
Cows for Sale: 35 - Brangus and Angus Plus Bred Cows - Texas SOLD
32 head of Black or BWF bred Brangus or Angus Plus cows that are 3-5 years old, vet confirmed to start...
Cows for Sale: 65 - Brangus Angus Plus Bred Cows - Texas SOLD
Brangus and Angus Plus 3-5 yr old cows that have been vet checked to start calving in December. Easy...
Cows for Sale: 160 - Black/Black White Faces 3-6 yr old Heavy Breds - Missouri SOLD
A real nice 4 loads of some deep bodied, longer made, real feminine, midwestern set of replacement cows...
Cows for Sale: 50 - Bred Cows - Texas SOLD
36 Blacks and BLKWF and 14 Red and RWF Cows. 2-6 years old 4-8 months bred. Majority being 5-8 months....
Cows for Sale: 34 Black Angus Fall Bred Cows SOLD
17 Short Solid and 17 Broken Mouth Home raised ​Bred to Char bulls Start September 1st, 60 days ​Large...
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Cows for Sale: 4 Loads of Fall Cows SOLD
​Angus cows bred to black and red Limousin bulls Mostly 4-6 years old ​Gap 4 certified...
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Cows for Sale: One Load Older Fall Bred Cows SOLD
Dispersion, Shorts and broken mouth. Cows in good shape weighing ~1400lbs Calving August/September Definitely...
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Cows for Sale: 35 - 4-6 Year Old Fall Bred Cows - Nrbraska SOLD
Home Raised SimAngus genetics September/October Calvers w/calving dates available Blacks and Reds 1400...
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Cows for Sale: 5 Loads - 3 Year Old Fall Bred Cows - Nebraska SOLD
All one iron deal Genetic conformity and good disposition Available in load lots up to 5 loads Calving...
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Cows for Sale: 30 - Bred Second Calvers - Utah SOLD
30 hd of black hided SimAngus and some SimAngus x Hereford cross second calvers. These are all 2019 model...
Cows for Sale: 45 - Bred Black Cows - Nebraska SOLD
Home Raised Bulls went out Nov. 1st 45 Days Posted 06-24-21
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Cows for Sale: 80 - Red/Red White Faced Fancy Bred Cows - Missouri SOLD
This two loads of exceptional 3-6 year old Red/Red White Faces is simply an outstanding set of replacements...
Cows for Sale: 168 - Black/Black White Faced Bred Cows - Missouri SOLD
This will be a good 4 loads of 4-8 months bred Black and Black White Faced 3-6 year olds. Average age...
Cows for Sale: 80 - 4-6 Year Old Bred Cows - Nebraska SOLD
Mostly Black and Black Baldy, with a handful of colored cows Calving right now 30 Calves on the Ground Located...
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Cows for Sale: 360 - Black & Black White Face Fall Calvers - Missouri SOLD
360 3-6 year old 5-8 months bred to mostly black bulls with a handful exposed to Hereford and Charolais....
Cows for Sale: 160 - Really Nice 3-6 year Old Fall Breds - Missouri SOLD
Here is a good 4 loads of some really nice fall calvers that are definitely worth the money! All cows...
Cows for Sale: 40 - Charolais Cross Replacements - Missouri SOLD
40 Really nice Charolais Cross 3-6 year olds! These cows will be 4-8 months bred! A lot of Black nosed,...
Cows for Sale: 43 - Fall Bred Cows - Nebraska SOLD
5/6 years old All off one ranch Black Angus Genetics August 15, 60 days Big black and gentle! Posted...
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Cows for Sale: ​40 - Five Coming Six Year Old Bred Cows - Nebraska SOLD
​Bred to Angus Bulls Calving October/November Received Vibrio Lepto and poured with Ivomec...
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Texas Bullion Exchange

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