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Horses for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

Texas Bullion Exchange

Horses For Bid at Auction: Flawless Palomino Gelding - Sired by Inferno Sixty Six! Gentle Reiner #183579
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Posted by: twombly [see other ads by this poster]
Price: 37500
City: BAYARD [see other ads in this city]
State: Nebraska [see other ads in this state]
Sale Name: Twombly Performance Horse Sale
Breed: Quarter Horse
Gender: Gelding
Color: Palomino
Phone#: 308-672-1038

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“Heat” is a jaw dropping palomino gelding sired by the One and Only, Inferno Sixty Six. This horse has had a ton of reining experience and is a huge athlete. He will pleasure lope around and is smooth as glass to ride. He will spin a hole in the wind, has a great flying lead change and will slide for days. We have also used him to check and gather the longhorns in the pastures and have tracked cattle on him in the arena. Heat is a character and acts like a big “eager to please” puppy. The possibilities are endless with this nice horse and you will always have the most gorgeous gelding in the country. Just a baby four-year-old—he has his whole life ahead of him. Let’s turn up the Heat! He stands 14.3 hands. Eligible for 100X Stakes and The Invitational. Sire, Inferno Sixty Six, NRHA $2 Million Sire, NRHA Futurity Reserve Champion, NRHA $210,000 by Gunnatrashya, LTE $236,000, NRHA $11 Million Sire, NRHA & Congress Open Futurity Champion, NRHA Open Derby Champion. Sire’s dam, Snip O Gun, who passed this year is one of only 8 mares that is an NRHA Million Dollar Producer. Dam, Hannah Shinetana, NRHA $2,225 by Shining Spark, NRCHA $3 Million Sire, NRHA $4 Million Sire.

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Posted 06-07-24
Infero Sixty Six
Gunnatrashya Colonels Smoking Gun
Snip O Gun One Gun
Miss Kim O Lena
Hannah Shinetana
Shining Spark Genuine Doc
Diamonds Sparkle
JRC Quixote O Lena Doc O Dynamite
Crystal Quixote Bar
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