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Horses for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

Jamison Quarter Horses Breeders & Ranchers Production Sale - October 10th, 2024

Ranch Jobs: Wanted - Ranch Hand - Texas #182286
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Posted by: Hooper45 [see other ads by this poster]
City: Tarzan [see other ads in this city]
State: Texas [see other ads in this state]
Job Title: Ranch hand
Employer: Hooper Ranch
Salary: Neg
Room & Board: Housing plus utilities
Phone #: 817-371-8882

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Our cow-calf/horse training outfit is Looking for a responsible individual that loves dogs, horses, and cows and can provide general ranch maintenance. Riding skills are a necessary requirement. Job may include but is not limited to Gathering cattle horseback, assisting with the horse training program, feeding horses, dogs, and cattle, Cleaning stalls. sweeping, hauling trash, mowing, weed eating, repairing water lines, troughs and various other duties. Must be able to drive a tractor, lift hay bales and feed sacks. Job candidate must work well independently and with others.Must have current drivers license and have experience with trailers. Must be able to work outdoors in all weather conditions. Carpentry, mechanic, welding, plumbing skills are all beneficial and a plus but not required. SHARED Housing and utilities are provided. Room for one horse and a dog! While Salary is negotiable, Drugs and alcohol are not-

Posted 05-08-24
7029 visitors have viewed this ad

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