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Horses for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

Colorado State University 48th Annual Bull and Female Sale

Horses For Sale: 15.3H, Big Stout, Ropes, Ranch, Doctors, Broke!!! #182128
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Posted by: Platinum Equine [see other ads by this poster]
Price: For Bid At Auction
City: Weatherford [see other ads in this city]
State: Texas [see other ads in this state]
Date Foaled: 1-1-2013
Breed: Quarter Horse
Gender: Gelding
Height: 15.3
Weight: 1200
Color: Sorrel
Registered With: NA
Disciplines: Cutting,Roping,Ranch Horse,Team Penning,Trail Riding,
Phone#: 2146057174

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Tank - 15.3H, 11 year old sorrel grade quarter horse gelding. Tank is a big, stout, hunk of a gelding who is a joy to ride and to be around. He has great smooth little gaits and a great handle that makes anyone that can sit up and hold the reins feel like a super star on his back. He has an uncomplicated, simple, one-handed old-school style handle on him, a great stop on "whoa" or if you just shift back in your seat, and has an awesome little easy lope off. He makes riding fun and relaxing. He has the most adorable kind puppy-dog expression and eyes, and the little thinking cap ears, he is always listening and paying attention to what his rider is doing and is very personable and expressive. Tank has been many many miles on the ranch and on the trail, and has been roped off of. He is willing to go anywhere you point him and handles all types of terrain with ease, and easily goes over brush, logs, rocky areas, and loves to cross the water, or get in the pond. He rides out well in a group, and has also been many miles and is very comfortable alone. He hops right on the trailer, and he ties quietly anywhere you put him. He gets along well with others living outside in a big group. Right now he lives in our massive "back 40" pasture and is very friendly and always easy to catch. He has super ground manners and is dead quiet to saddle, bridle, pick feet, and loves a bath. He is an easy keeper, in excellent health, and he is this shiny just living out in a grass pasture! This is him in his working clothes, he has not just come out of our sale fitting barn on the best supplements and groomed daily, this is him just as he is - straight out of the pasture! If you have been looking for a stout made, prime-age, gorgeous, and easy to ride gelding, don’t overlook Tank! To see MANY other additional videos, go to our website: For more info call Buster Horses Ashley 214-605-7174 Tank is located in Weatherford, TX - one hour from Dallas / Fort Worth International Airport. He is an easy day trip or fun overnight trip to come try out, from anywhere! We are experienced, knowledgeable sellers, and we can help with quickly arranging affordable shipping to any buyer’s location - we have experience shipping worldwide - including regularly to Hawaii, Canada, Mexico, Europe, and South Africa. Tank was just shod two weeks ago, his teeth were done by an equine dentist last week, and he had his sheath cleaned, his ears treated for ticks, and he was also power packed wormed. He is good to shoe, has great feet and also goes well barefoot - if his new owner prefers him to be barefoot, we can have his shoes pulled and trim him prior to him heading to his new home. He will arrive at his new home up-to-date and ready to go to work!


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Starting Bid $3500

Auction ends May 19th, 2024

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