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Horses for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

Heritage Livestock - Winter Select Sale

Horses For Sale: Cats Grey Iron - 5 Year Old 15hh Dapple Grey AQHA Gelding - Phenomenal Ranch and Rope Horse #181402
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Price: For Bid at Auction
City: Weatherford [see other ads in this city]
State: Texas [see other ads in this state]
Breed: Quarter Horse
Gender: Gelding
Height: 15
Color: Gray
Registered With: AQHA
Disciplines: Roping,Ranch Horse,Trail Riding,All Around,
Phone#: 360-523-8090

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"Cats Grey Iron" is a 2019 AQHA gelding with a combination of physical attributes and temperament that make him stand out! Iron Man has a big hip, a stunning head, and a sturdy build, making him a visually appealing horse. His coat is predominantly dark steel gray, but it is gradually transforming into a beautiful dappled gray pattern, adding to his overall charm.

In addition to his appearance, Iron Man also carries an impressive pedigree. He comes from a lineage of proven names and performance horses on both sides, indicating his potential for success in various disciplines.

As a rope horse, Iron Man has shown great promise. We have been roping the hot heels on him, and he performs exceptionally well. He has a lot of cow sense and really loves his job. He is also great on the ranch.

Iron Man is not just limited to the arena. He is also an excellent horse for riding outside on the trails. He confidently navigates through different terrains, including water, logs, and brush.

Iron Man is a very well-behaved gelding. He is easy to handle and always tries to avoid any trouble! He gets into the trailer without any hesitation and stands calmly when tied up. He is wise beyond his years.

At his age, Iron Man is at the perfect stage to take on any task you ask of him. Whether it’s in the arena or out on the trails, he is ready and capable. He is very broke and has all the correct tools to make anything you want!

To get a better sense of Iron Man’s abilities and personality, we highly recommend watching his video or coming to see him for yourself. We believe that seeing him in action will further enhance your appreciation for this exceptional gelding!

Rest assured, Iron Man has a clean bill of health and has tested negative for coggins. Iron Man also comes with Equine Insurance. This means your investment will be fully covered and protected, just as any good investment should be.



*Final price will be determined on auction site*
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