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Horses for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

Colorado State University 48th Annual Bull and Female Sale

Horses For Sale: Chazz - 8 Year Old 14hh Palomino Quarter Horse Gelding - Athletic All-Around Horse #181401
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Price: For Bid at Auction
City: Middletown [see other ads in this city]
State: Ohio [see other ads in this state]
Breed: Quarter Horse
Gender: Gelding
Height: 14
Color: Palomino
Disciplines: Cutting,Roping,Ranch Horse,Reining,Trail Riding,All Around,
Phone#: 606-209-1316

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Everyone wants a beautiful, quiet, athletic, and forgivable horse, they are hard to find. We have that horse, Meet Chazz. Chazz has a an 8 year old golden Palimono quarter horse gelding standing 14 hands weighing close to 1000lbs. Chazz is the definition of an all around horse. We have had the opportunity to spend the last several months with him and boy is he the real deal. Chazz stands to be saddled ,bridled, brushed, clipped, bathed, mounted and dismounted in and out of the arena, and is a farriers best friend. We have taken Chazz on numerous trail rides where he has encountered all types of wild life, such as deer, turkeys, ducks, etc. he walks level headed on the trail without any spook or bolt when something new arises! Chazz will cross creeks, logs, rivers, trenches, fallen debris etc. He is very sure footed while going up and down rough, slippery terrain, he insures his rider they don’t have to worry while riding in rough country. We have used Chazz to check on cow, calf pairs, we have sorted feeders and loaded semis, he absolutely loves to work and please his rider. Chazz has all the confirmation and build you could as for in a gelding, he has a broad shoulder and a big hip to boot. He stands straight and correct as well. Chazz has been shown is ranch, reining, and cutting as well, where he has done very well. He is very easy to ride, Chazz has a nice walk, smooth collected trot and canter. Chazz has all the buttons you can ask for, he will one had spin either direction ,sides pass wtc off of leg pressure, and will slide on his butt to a stop just by sitting down in your saddle. Chazz loves being turned out with other horses, he is low in the heard where he just minds his business and wants to play. He stalls very well and keeps his stall clean. Chazz can sit for 1 week or 1 year he will be the same horse every time you saddle him up to ride. Chazz has been ridden by a 75 year old lady the past 4 years where she has taken him all across the country trail riding. He is an extremely well rounded gelding that has the heart and strength of a 16 hand horse. He has had all his shots, vaccines, is utd on his coggins and wormer as well. He is 100% sound with no bad habits or vices. We urge everyone to come take a ride on Chazz, you will fall in love as soon as you sit in the saddle.



*Final price will be determined on auction site*

Posted 04-18-24
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