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Colorado Horse Sale

Horses For Sale: West Coast Dunn It - 10 Yr old 14.3hh Palomino AQHA Gelding - Fancy Broke Reining and Ranch Horse Deluxe! #181380
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Price: For Bid at Auction
City: Addison [see other ads in this city]
State: Texas [see other ads in this state]
Breed: Quarter Horse
Gender: Gelding
Height: 14.3
Color: Palomino
Registered With: AQHA
Disciplines: Roping,Ranch Horse,Reining,Working Cowhorse,Trail Riding,All Around,
Phone#: 972-310-0002

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West Coast Dunn It, aka “Bubbles”

2014 AQHA Palomino Gelding

Docs West Coast Whiz x Troubles Dun It

Bred & Raised by McCalls Quarter Horses in Chiefland, FL - West Coast Dunnit boasts many of the reining greats in his pedigree. By the NERHA Open Futurity Champion, Docs West Coast Whiz, and out of a daughter of the great Hollywood Dunit- “Bubbles” as we call him, spent the majority of his life in the highest level of care! Loved as a member of the McCalls family, they used him as a practice horse in their reining program, and is by far one of the purest horses to swing a leg over! This is an INCREDIBLY trained gelding, that does NOT require an owners manual to operate. Whether you are trotting into the show pen or out in the pasture- Hop on Bubbles & prepare to enjoy the ride!! This gorgeous chocolate palomino gelding is about as comfortable as they come- with a correct, balanced rocking horse lope! He is point and go, and will effortlessly handle off of your hand OR legs! Bubbles is not only amateur friendly, but he also has experience packing youth as well.

This is the same gelding- every ride. Every. Single. Time.

He is VERY solid in ALL of the reining maneuvers. A lot of times, you will come across a horse that is gentle, but isn’t a pretty mover. Or one that is athletic, but too strong for youth to handle. Bubbles is the best of it all! Brains, Athleticism, Style, and Comfort! He has a great turn, is easy to circle, change leads on, and will run down and stop… Every. Single. Time. And if you crank the breaks on him in the pasture, you better believe he will commit just the same as he does in the arena. Bubbles would be THE HORSE to take into the AQHA Versatility, Reining, or Ranch Riding. He has an adorable extended trot, will stay in front of your leg, and is very easy to take through all of the transitions. This West Coast Whiz gelding is also COWY! I have tracked and boxed cattle in the arena on him, and he has been well started on the Heel & Breakaway side too! It would not take much to get this guy jackpot ready- and boy does he like it!

Another thing that is really neat about this horse (that you won’t always find in a “Fancy Broke” reiner) is that he rides just as good, if not better outside! You can hop on him fresh, loping on out in the pasture, and Bubbles will stay right underneath you- never leaning towards the barn or his buddies. He also engages his hind end down different levels of steep terrain, so he never feels like a run away or one that will slip out from underneath you! Bubbles has been hauled and exposed to it all- and is very willing to go through and over just about anything! He has been hauled everywhere from FL to Oklahoma, and will confidently ride out on a new trail, track, or arena. He’s even been out to Platter Flats (by himself) and he was an absolute sport through Lake Texoma & all the chaos of the camp sites!

Another incredible thing about this gelding is he is a 10 year old finished reiner that is SOUND with ZERO maintenance. He has solid black feet, stands tied, loads, hauls, with absolutely no buck, bite, kick, or bolt. He is solid for the farrier, vet, and is the gelding you can kick out with other horses and not worry about. He isn’t accident prone, or complicated in any way, shape, or form.

Bubbles has been an absolute blast to have, and I would highly recommend this guy for his Versatility, Handle, & Uncomplicated nature! If you are on the hun for your next pal, this gelding is the horse for you!

Selling Sound with a clean bill of health, Vet Statement & current X Rays!

Located in Kingston, OK (30 Minutes N of Whitesboro, TX)

Affordable Nationwide Shipping Available



*Final price will be determined on auction site*
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