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Horses for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

Texas Bullion Exchange

Pasture For Lease: Grazing Contact in VA #181206
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Posted by: 2riverscattlecompany [see other ads by this poster]
Price: Contact for Price
City: Boston [see other ads in this city]
State: Virginia [see other ads in this state]
Pasture Location: Rappahannock County
Pasture Size: Up to 1,200 acres
Carrying Capacity : 300
Pasture Fence Type: Woven wire, poly wire
Forage Type: Grass
Water Type: Waterers and fresh streams
Date Available : 04/01/24
Phone #: 320-761-9370

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We have room for up to 300 stockers or 200 bred/pairs. We have facilities to treat and tag, put out mineral and protein tubs, rotate daily or as often as forage allows. Looking for long term contracts, can start with fewer animals. Minimum 100 animals.

Posted 04-12-24
1203 visitors have viewed this ad

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