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Horses for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

Texas Bullion Exchange

Horses For Sale: Chestnut Gelding - Cutter - Reiner - Family Safe - Ranch Horse - Does it ALL #180626
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Posted by: Platinum Equine [see other ads by this poster]
Price: For Bid at Auction
City: Madisonville [see other ads in this city]
State: Kentucky [see other ads in this state]
Date Foaled: 1-1-2020
Breed: Quarter Horse
Gender: Gelding
Height: 14.2
Weight: 1100
Color: Chestnut
Registered With: AQHA
Disciplines: Cutting,Roping,Ranch Horse,Team Penning,Trail Riding,
Phone#: 619-905-1323

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Allow me to introduce you to the horse that has been a cornerstone of my life for the past 4 years. Affectionately known as Sam, this gelding has been my main project from the day he hit the ground. I’ve had the privilege of teaching him how to lead and pick up his feet to putting the first ride on him and many miles since then. He has always been fun and easy to work with. My absolute favorite qualities about this horse are his mind and his personality. He is wicked smart and absolutely loves to learn new things. Show him how to do something once and it sticks with him. Spend any amount of time brushing him and he’ll crack you up with his expressive face. This past summer I sent him to a cutting trainer for 60 days to be started on cattle. The trainer immediately fell in love with him and his natural ability to read a cow. His curiosity and quick thinking keep him one step ahead of whatever is in front of him. Sam’s love for exploring new things and seeing new places also makes him a super fun ride on the trail. He’s super brave and has no problem crossing logs, ditches, roads, creeks, etc. One of our most recent rides was a little over 13 miles and he handled it like an absolute champ. In the arena, he has a sporty and user-friendly way of going around. He keeps his head low and his gates are very smooth. You can keep him in a nice slow jog or move him out into an extended trot. He lopes off without hesitation and his cadence makes it easy to sit down and enjoy the ride. He will only go as fast as you ask him to. He’ll work off of your seat, hand, and leg so just use whatever cues you prefer. Say “woah’ and he’ll stop as soon as the word leaves your lips. You can also put him into a fun little turnaround by laying the bridle reins across his neck. I truly believe that the sky is the limit for this horse. Whether you want to go camping, sort, show in the ranch riding, have a performance prospect, etc. he has all the parts you need. He’s also royally bred and is out of an own daughter of the legendary Reminic. His dam has produced a little over $8,000 in money earners. “Reminic” is remembered as one of the most versatile sires producing over 4 million dollars worth of money earners across the cutting, reining, and cowhorse disciplines. “Sam” sells 100% sound in every way with no history of colic or injury. He is a 2020 model registered in the AQHA and he stands a stocky built 14.2hh. The only reason I’m selling this horse is because I took a new job which will be requiring me to relocate to a city. I consider him part of my family and want nothing more than for him to find the perfect home. If you are interested in trying him I invite you to make an appointment to come out and do so before the auction ends. PPE’s are also welcome at buyer’s expense. Come try him out for yourself in Madisonville, KY. For more info Contact Lauren Leslie 619-905-1323


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Starting Bid $3500

Auction ends April 14th, 2024

Posted 03-31-24
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