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Horses for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

Colorado State University 48th Annual Bull and Female Sale

Horses For Sale: Montana - 9 Year Old 15.1hh Black APHA Gelding - Dashingly Handsome Ranch and Rope Horse! #180177
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Price: For Bid at Auction
City: Lyles [see other ads in this city]
State: Tennessee [see other ads in this state]
Breed: Paint
Gender: Gelding
Height: 15.1
Color: Black
Registered With: APHA
Disciplines: Roping,Ranch Horse,Working Cowhorse,Team Penning,Trail Riding,All Around,
Phone#: 931-623-1706

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We are very proud to introduce “Montana”,

Registered name: STRAIT BONANZA BOLT.

He is dashingly handsome, very well trained with a charming and sweet personality to boot. He IS the complete package!

9 years old, and 15.1hh. The perfect age and height!

This gelding has everything it takes to make a wonderful partner for life- no matter your discipline. He has quite the resume, from being a safe mount for leisure trail riding, to ranch work, pasture roping, dragging calves in the branding pen, showing off at the local Christmas Parade, roping live cattle out of the box, to being ridden English. I can truly say, Montana has SO much to offer his rider.

Out on the trails, he will go wherever he’s asked, even through rough and treacherous terrain, he makes it feel easy. Slippery rocks, steep inclines, brush, banks, mud, etc- He’s sure footed and picks his way along carefully. He’s what I consider a reliable steady-Eddie trail horse.

Montana is an impressive ride and a beautiful mover. He has a nice smooth lope, he is soft in the face, has a comfortable walk, a cute little jog- or long trot- whichever you prefer. Really nice collection. Neck rein, or direct. Responds to leg well, side pass, slow spin, and will lope off quietly from a stand-still. Picks his leads up when asked. He has plenty of buttons- yet very user friendly at the same time, which makes for a nice multi purpose kind of guy that most everyone can get along with.

Excellent ground manners, he loves being pampered and brushed, and petted and loved on. He’s kind of a cuddle bug!

Stands patiently for the farrier, tacking up, the vet, etc.

He’s used to both stall time and turnout, no hassle either way. He’s easy to catch and Trailers and hauls well.

If you are looking for a fantastic partner who is always turning heads- Montana is your guy.

Sound, fit and healthy. Pre Purchase exam completed by Todd County Animal Clinic, Equine Vet John Laster DVM. Montana passed with flying colors! Official exam paperwork included with pictures or it can also be emailed to you or your vet.

If you’d like to schedule a meet and greet with Montana or would like more information, contact Isaac Vick at 931-994-7486.



*Final price will be determined on auction site*
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Colorado State University 48th Annual Bull and Female Sale

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