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Horses for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

Stormy Kromer Original Kromer Cap - Winter Wool Hat with Earflap

Seeking Ranch Job: A Family of 4 Seeking Ranch Job in Washoe County Douglas County Area #180170
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Posted by: Tomicic_Family [see other ads by this poster]
City: Reno [see other ads in this city]
State: Nevada [see other ads in this state]
Room And Board: YES
Phone#: 7753388916
We are a family of 4 and a well-trained dog looking for ranch work in the Washoe & Douglas County area.

We are ideally looking for onsite housing, with no need for healthcare or benefits. If housing is available pay is negotiable, to be honest we are looking to learn first and foremost. We do not have a ton of ranch/agricultural experience but do come with the willingness to work, eagerness to learn, a self-driven attitude, and plenty of leadership skills.

I am currently employed as a full-time Wildland Firefighter Captain in the area. My wife owns her own online business which is very flexible, and our children are homeschooled. We are looking to gain knowledge for the long-term goal of owning a ranch/outfitting business once retired from fire. Interest began when on a fire roll in northern California where I worked alongside a pack train for a 7-day assignment. That assignment involved riding on single track trails in the wilderness and I took part in feeding, mucking, and grooming. Since then, I began riding 3 times a week at an equestrian center to learn the fundamentals. I am also connected with a farrier and am beginning those lessons shortly.

Our background may seem a bit unconventional, but we understand the passion and hard work that is essential in the ranching community and are a family unit ready to assist in the workload required and learn quickly. We want to learn the fundamentals of livestock care and ranch management in a proper sustainable way. My current job has certain commitments, but my wife and family would always be available. They are self-sufficient and used to the lifestyle of long hours/weeks, commitment to duty, and commitment to the community regarding the livelihood of its people and animals.

My 11-year career in wildland fire has taught me skills that extend far beyond fire behavior. I know how to drive and work with heavy equipment, proficient with hand tools, and a certified B-faller with timber with which comes a versatility in knowledge of chainsaws and mechanical knowledge for small engines. I have many years of experience with pile burning, defensible space, and mitigating fire risks. I have also had to learn to be adaptable to both situations and environments as well comfortable with overtime hours and long (36 hr. straight) shifts.

We are a family looking for a vocation long term but in the meantime want to be present and useful to an established ranch while learning the fundamentals. We want to raise our family in an environment of hard work and understanding the beauty of the world while most importantly respecting it.

We appreciate your time and consideration. References available upon request.

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