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Horses for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

Colorado Horse Sale

Horses For Sale: Boss - 7 Year Old 14.3 1/2hh Red Dun AQHA Gelding - Absolutely Fantastic Roping, Ranch, and Arena Horse #180056
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Price: For Bid at Auction
City: Shippenville [see other ads in this city]
State: Pennsylvania [see other ads in this state]
Breed: Quarter Horse
Gender: Gelding
Height: 14.3
Color: Dun
Registered With: AQHA
Disciplines: Roping,Ranch Horse,Working Cowhorse,Trail Riding,All Around,
Phone#: 814-316-5589

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Introducing Risky Alley Cats, aka “Boss”. Boss is a beautiful Red Dun gelding that stands approximately 14.3 hands and thick built. Boss has a fantastic personality, he’s a big puppy dog and loves attention. He has fantastic ground manners/ stalls manners and is always the first one to greet you at the barn. He’s is always in a great mood and will stand tied all day to be groomed. He’s great for the farrier and vet. And stands great for baths and tacking! Boss is more whoa than go but will walk trot and lope nicely picking up both leads and an easy one hand neck rein. Boss is a willing horse that tries to please. He is a great trail horse and good for anyone. If you’re looking for a beginner horse, or go to spare horse for anyone this is your guy. He is super simple to ride. Boss gets along great with other horses and is typically lower on the pecking order. He has no bad habits and is sound and sane. Boss has the personality that he will do whatever you want him to do whether it’s trails, arena, fun shows, lessons, roping whatever he’ll give his best! I enjoy having this gelding around the barn and will make a great addition to yours! Check out his video and if you have any questions you can call or text me. He is had a current Coggins, 5 ways, rabies, deworming, and a fresh set of shoes. He is ready to go!



*Final price will be determined on auction site*
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