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Horses for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

Texas Bullion Exchange

Seeking Ranch Job: Seeking Ranch Hand Position #179612
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Posted by: CodyHighelk [see other ads by this poster]
City: Newell [see other ads in this city]
State: South Dakota [see other ads in this state]
Exp. Cow Calf: Yes
Exp. Yearlings: Replacement Heifers
Exp. FeedLot: Yes
Exp. Horse: Yes
Exp. Roping: Very Little
Exp. Doctoring: Yes
Exp. Calving: Yes
Exp. Haying: Yes
Room And Board: Yes
Phone#: 1-605-682-8254

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Hello, I am a 23 year old male looking for a seasonal or full time position starting around the middle of May. I would like to find a position that revolves more around cow/calf that prefers to use horses.

I grew up in eastern South Dakota and graduated from Mitchell Technical College with an associates degree in Agronomy in 2021. I was employed at an operation that ran cow/calf pairs, ran a feedlot and farmed from the time I was around 14 up until December of 2023. I gained a lot of experience in cow/calf, feedlot and farming at this operation. I am currently employed as seasonal help for a cow/calf operation in western South Dakota.

Cow/Calf Experience:

Assisted in all aspects of calving cow/heifer herds

Feeding and loading rations

Barbed/electric fence construction/maintenance

Waterline/water tank installation/maintenance

Taking out salt/mineral

Pasture rotation using ATV/Horseback

Sorting on foot/horseback

Hauling of cows/calves/horses using pickup/trailer

All aspects of haying


Branding (ground crew)

Feedlot Experience:

Pen maintenance using payloader and tractor with a box scraper

Feedlot pen construction using continuous panels and guard rail

Loading and feeding of mixed rations

Manure loading and spreading onto farm fields

Processing feeder calves

Doctoring feeder calves

Sorting/Handling of feeder calves

Hauling calves using pickup/trailer

Water tank installation/maintenance

Farming Experience:

Corn, Soybeans, Small Grains, Alfalfa

Spreading fertilizer using a pull behind spreader

Hauling of fertilizer with semi and hopper bottom

Operated tillage equipment

Operated a self propelled sprayer

Loading/mixing of chemical batches for sprayer

Record Keeping of fields/chemical sprayed

Hauled grain using semi/hopper bottom to grain bins or local elevator during harvest

Operated grain cart during harvest

All aspects of haying

Truck driving during silage chopping


John Deere tractors





10 Speed Semi’s using hopper bottom, side dump, and flatbed trailers

Newer John Deere balers

Double 9 Mowers

V Rake

I work well in a group setting and also enjoy working alone. I would like to find a spot where I can use the experience I have to help an operation run more efficiently and hope to be able to grow and learn new ideas and different ways of how to work and manage operations.

I am willing to relocate anywhere as long as housing is provided. I have a year old heeler/hanging tree dog that would come with me. I would like to be able to have the option to have one or more horses in the future.

I would be happy to send my resume and references to those who would like them.

Thank you,

Cody Highelk

Give me a call at


If no answer, send me an email as I don’t have service a lot of the time.

Posted 03-07-24
3681 visitors have viewed this ad

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