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Horses for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

Colorado State University 48th Annual Bull and Female Sale

Horses For Sale: 2016 Sorrel Rabicano Mare “Sister” #179416
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Posted by: KyleeKennedy17 [see other ads by this poster]
Price: $20,000.00
City: Red Bluff [see other ads in this city]
State: California [see other ads in this state]
Date Foaled: 2016
Breed: Quarter Horse
Gender: Mare
Height: 14.2
Weight: 1000+
Color: Sorrel
Registered With: AQHA
Disciplines: Barrel Racing,Breeding,Cutting,Roping,Pole Bending,Racing,Working Cowhorse,Team Penning,All Around,
Phone#: 530-227-6797

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Smokn Twistd Sistr is a 14.2, 2016 sorrel mare by Nics Black Diamond (LTE $197,000) out of Mia Gunna Smokum (Producer of multiple NRCHA money earners). She has been ridden outside to cowboy on, used at the sale yard, ranch cutting, ranch horse versatility shown and has been branded on. “Sister” is ready for whatever direction you would like. She would make an outstanding breakaway horse given her big stop, or use her as your next sorting or team roping horse. She is athletic enough to go in multiple directions.

Very beginner friendly and safe. Very easy to turn out with other horses. No vices or lameness issues.

Contact me today to inquire on this beautiful, kind, and solid mare.

Posted 03-05-24
Nics Black Diamond
Mia Gunna Smokum
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Colorado State University 48th Annual Bull and Female Sale

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