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Horses for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

Colorado Horse Sale

Horses For Sale: 2010 Buckskin AQHA Stallion #179352
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Posted by: Pistols13true [see other ads by this poster]
Price: 20,000.00
City: Maxwell [see other ads in this city]
State: California [see other ads in this state]
Date Foaled: 5/23/2010
Breed: Quarter Horse
Gender: Stallion
Height: 15.1
Weight: 1100
Color: Buckskin
Registered With: AQHA
Disciplines: Breeding,Roping,Ranch Horse,Team Penning,Trail Riding,
Phone#: 530-776-7894

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14 yr old AQHA Stallion. Has done all aspects of ranch work. Will travel and work all day. Brand calves, works the sale barn, super broke, will travel with mares with no problems.

He rides around in a halter 99% of the time. Has been used to breed in the past, was bred and raised on the ranch. We don’t run as many cows anymore. He’s been being used as my main using horse. No Buck, Spook, rearing or funny business. He can be pastured with cattle and he doesn’t run them . He will hold a rope all day. Just a great solid guy. He is panel N/N on everything and have the paperwork. Wears a size one shoe. 15.1 hands. Straight legs. He is a talker but never acts on anything. Works with mares weekly. Loads in any trailer. Will turn around or back out. Will stand tied all day. Any questions feel free to reach out. 530-776-7894
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